Master of Landscape Architecture

For first-professional degree students and post-professional students.

90 Credit Hour Course Curriculum

The academic curriculum consists of:

  • Sequential and integrated design studios
  • Core lecture and seminar courses
  • Research and elective opportunities, including professional internships and theses

The Department of Landscape Architecture views inquiry, both individual and collective, as the means to invent, energize, inform, and evaluate design ideas, processes, and results. The curriculum emphasizes and values design and the design process coupled with knowledge and capability in the theories, technologies, sciences, arts, materials, and methods associated with the practice of Landscape Architecture. Core themes, theories, precedents, technologies, and skills of the profession are developed in the lecture and seminar courses. You will develop design capabilities in studio courses.

Degree Requirements

Elective Requirements

Degree Sequencing

Students should take an average of 15 credit hours in the fall and spring. Electives may be taken in the summer when offered.

The following table shows the typical three-year course sequence and prerequisites.

Course #Course NameCredit HoursClass Type
Year-1 Fall Semester
 LDAR 5501Design Studio 13Seminar
 LDAR 5510Graphic Media in Landscape Architecture
 LDAR 5521History of Landscape Architecture
 LDAR 5572Landscape Ecology
 LDAR 6641LA Computer Applications3Seminar
Year-1 Spring Semester
 LDAR 5502Design Studio 2
 LDAR 5532Landform Manipulation3Seminar
 LDAR 6630Site, Society, and Environment
 LDAR 6631
LA Construction Materials and Methods
Year-2 Fall Semester
 LDAR 5503Design Studio 36Studio
 LDAR 6670Plants in Design3Seminar
 LDAR 6949Research Methods3Seminar
 LDAR ElectiveLDAR Elective3Seminar
Year-2 Spring Semester
 LDAR 6604/6605Design Studio 4 & 5 (3 credits each)6Vertical Studio
LDAR 6620LA Theory & Criticism
 Open Elective3Seminar
 LDAR Elective3Seminar
Year-3 Fall - Immersive Semester
 LDAR 6706Design Studio 64Studio
 LDAR 6707Design Studio 6 (Travel)2Travel

 LDAR 6740 
 or LDAR 6745

Advanced History/Theory
Advanced Media/Technical

 LDAR 6750LA Professional Practice3Seminar
 LDAR Elective3Seminar
Year-3 Spring Semester

 LDAR 6607/6608
 or LDAR 6951

Design Studio 7 & 8 (3 credits each)
Landscape Architecture Thesis (Dept. approval)


alt: 6

Vertical Studio


 LDAR Elective3Seminar
 Open Elective3Seminar
 Open Elective3Seminar

Total Credit Hours: 



MLA Grading & Course Policies

Students are required to receive a minimum course grade of C- in all non-studio courses for credit toward the MLA degree. A student who receives a grade of D or F in a required MLA course must retake the course.
Students are required to receive a minimum grade of B- in all LDAR studio courses for credit toward the MLA degree. Students must have completed the previous studio in the sequence with a minimum grade of a B- in order to take the next studio in the sequence. A student who receives a grade of C, D, or F in a required MLA studio must retake the course.

To receive the MLA degree, a student’s cumulative grade point average (GPA) for all courses counting toward the 90 required credit hours must be 3.0 or higher. A student’s cumulative GPA may drop below 3.0 during their time in the MLA program, but ultimately their cumulative GPA must be 3.0 or higher in order to graduate with the MLA degree.

Students who fail to meet a 3.0 cumulative GPA will be put on probation. After two semesters on probation a student will be subject to suspension.

Pass/fail courses grades will not be accepted for credit toward the MLA degree, unless the course is only offered on a pass/fail basis.

    To participate in the Immersive Semester, students must in good academic standing (GPA or a 3.00 or higher) and have a grade of B- or better in the previous two studio courses.

    Connect With an Advisor

    Profile Picture Name Contact Information
    Roxy New Headshot

    Roxy New

    Senior Course Coordinator & Graduate Academic Advisor for MURP, MUD, MLA, MSHP, & PhD

    College of Architecture and Planning

    CU Denver

    CU Denver Building

    1250 14th Street


    Denver, CO 80202


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