Urban and Regional Planning

Research and Creative Work

Student Capstone Projects


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North Progress Redevelopment Opportunity Subarea Plan

Student Researcher: Emma Bangs

Walkability in the Town of Lyons, CO

Student Researcher: Lilly Bell and Eli Berrier

Analysis of Detached ADU Regulations in Denver

Student Researcher: Erik Braaten

Mitigating Displacement: Infrastructure Investment Impacts and Community Capacity

Student Researcher: Evelyn Burr

Fort Collins Missing Middle Core

Student Researcher: Bryan Conner

South Broadway Corridor BRT Study

Student Researcher: Laura Culleton and Blake Van Jacobs

University Boulevard Urban Design Vision Plan

Student Researcher: Eric DeNardo

Illustrating Vision: The East Mulberry Plan

Student Researcher: Morgan Gardner

Assessing and Optimizing Planning Board's Role in Denver's Land Use Planning and Regulation Decision-making

Student Researcher: Fredrick Glick

Buena Vista Parks and Trails Master Plan

Student Researcher: Claire Guthrie and Lauren Platman

Parker Senior Center and RTD Site Subarea Plan

Student Researcher: Mikhail Kaminer

Barriers to Accessible Housing in Cheyenne, Wyoming

Student Researcher: Matthew Karney

Eclectic Renewal: Old Town Lafayette Revitalization Plan

Student Researcher: Lauren Kelly and Ana Rae Miller

Improving Transportation Efficiency and Bus Ridership: Arapahoe Basin Ski Area

Student Researcher: Danny Klibaner

Gateway Communities: Affordable Housing Issues & Planning Solutions in Teton Valley

Student Researcher: Sarah Knoebl

Land Use Planning Best Practices for Renewable Energy Development in Colorado

Student Researcher: Sara Kohles

Centennial: Trading Spaces Developing Better Places

Student Researcher: Julie Latham

Revitalizing the Entertainment District in Lone Tree, Colorado

Student Researcher: Claire Leighou

Data Dissemination on the High Line Canal

Student Researcher: Kelsey Lindquist

Gunnison County Manufactured Housing Strategy

Student Researcher: Megan Miles
Showing 1 - 20 of 92 results

Graduate Research Assistant Work to Support Faculty Research


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Green gentrification or ‘just green enough’: Do park location, size and function affect whether a place gentrifies or not?

Principal Researchers:

Jeremy Németh, Ph.D
Alessandro Rigolon

Historic Preservation and Disaster Recovery

Principal Researchers:

Andrew Rumbach and Douglas Appler (University of Kentucky)
Andrew Rumbach and Douglas Appler (Associate Professor of Historic Preservation at the University of Kentucky) have written a new article on the role of the Main Street Program in post-disaster recovery plans and processes.

Modeling the Vulnerability of Mobile Home Parks to Disaster: A Longitudinal Study of Affordable Housing Loss After Hurricane Michael

Principal Researchers:

Andrew Rumbach; Esther Sullivan; Carrie Makarewicz
Andrew Rumbach and Carrie Makarewicz, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, along with Esther Sullivan, Department of Sociology, have received a grant from the National Science Foundation to study the impact of Hurricane Michael on mobile home parks in northern Florida.

Walsenburg Fox Theater

Retrofitting Strategies for an Historic Theater

Architectural Design for Traditional Neighborhoods

Principal Researchers:

Korkut Onaran, Fernando Pagés Ruiz, Ronnie Pelusio and Tom Lyon
The Vinyl Siding Institute published 300 copies of Professor Korkut Onaran's book in July, which "summarizes the most critical design lessons the authors have learned through many years of practice developing traditional neighborhoods."

Urban disasters beyond the city: Environmental risk in India’s fast-growing towns and villages

Principal Researchers:

Andrew Rumbach

Gretel Follingstad

In March 2019, Urban and Regional Planning Associate Professor Andy Rumbach and Gretel Follingstad (PhD candidate in Design & Planning) published a new article in the International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. They studied 5 fast-growing towns and villages in the mountains of West Bengal, India with some pretty eye-opening findings.
Showing 1 - 6 of 60 results

College of Architecture and Planning

CU Denver

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Denver, CO 80202


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