Historic Preservation Work

Student Work

The exterior of First Methodist Church in Fort Collins, CO.

William B. Robb: An Architect's Impact on Fort Collins

Student Researchers:

Susan Downing
Exterior of the Arapahoe Building in Littleton, CO.

Eugene Sternberg

Student Researchers:

Miki Blair

Rockvale Community Park

Student Researchers:

Aneliya Bargon, MLA Alena Gagnon, MLA Ivy Steele, MLA Sarah Goldblatt, HP cert.
MLA and Historic Preservation students present their final designs for a new community park in downtown Rockvale to local residents.

Faculty Work

Historic Preservation and Disaster Recovery

Principal Researchers:

Andrew Rumbach and Douglas Appler (University of Kentucky)
Andrew Rumbach and Douglas Appler (Associate Professor of Historic Preservation at the University of Kentucky) have written a new article on the role of the Main Street Program in post-disaster recovery plans and processes.

Platteville Downtown Revitalization

Principal Researchers:


Streetscape Master Plan

RMNP Structures Survey

Principal Researchers:

  • Michael Holleran
  • Kris Christensen
  • Manish Chalana
  • Christopher Meschuk
Ph.D. students and graduate historic preservation and architecture students updated a 1988 Historic Structures Survey of Rocky Mountain National Park. Students conducted a selective survey of properties that were undocumented and were assumed to be at least fifty years old and developed field determinations of eligibility for the National Register of Historic Places. During the study, 45 properties, built from the late 1920s through the 1950s, and located in thirteen discrete areas were evaluated by students. The descriptive, historic, eligibility, and condition information was utilized by Rocky Mountain National Park to update its Historic Building Five-year Treatment Plan and the National Park Service's List of Classified Structures.

Cannonball Pueblo HABS

Principal Researchers:

  • Luis Summers
Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) documentation was prepared for a twelfth-century Anasazi Pueblo ruin at the Colorado-Utah border and two early twentieth-century Hispanic homesteads outside of Farmington, New Mexico. Photomodeler software was used to create three-dimensional rectified photographic models for accurate elevation projections of these non-orthogonal forms. The project was presented in 2005 at both the Saving Places Conference in Denver and at the George Wright Society National Conference in Philadelphia.

College of Architecture and Planning

CU Denver

CU Denver Building

1250 14th Street


Denver, CO 80202


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