Landscape Architecture Work

Student Work

A rendering of a plaza with a sculpture on the right and orange silhouettes of people walking around the space.


Student Researchers:

Ren Golembieski Dan Schumacher
A rendering with a couple taking a stroll down Performer's Path.

Lookout Mountain Park's Interpretive Path: Retelling the Story of the Wild West

Student Researchers:

Carson McDuff
A plaza at night with star-link impressions on the ground.

Plaza of Stars

Student Researchers:

Astrid Yankosky
Elderly man walks his grand daughter along a pathway through a garden.

Rose Nutrition Mission

Student Researchers:

Steven Pearlman
Garden filled with wooden planters.

Resilient Roots

Student Researchers:

Aidan Nowell
Rendering of Mind Grown Gardens with a fire pit in the center.

Mind Grown Gardens

Student Researchers:

Emily Mesa
Showing 1 - 6 of 61 results

Faculty Work

Walsenburg Fox Theater

Retrofitting Strategies for an Historic Theater

Oak Creek Recreation Master Plan (Phase 2)

Principal Researchers:


Delta Main Street Pocket Park

Park Design and Downtown Revitalization

Frederick Art Master Plan

Guidelines and Principles for Connectivity and Identity

Sterling Heritage Park

Site redevelopment of former gas station

Grand Junction Arts + Culture Campus

Architectural Feasibility Study
Showing 1 - 6 of 44 results

College of Architecture and Planning

CU Denver

CU Denver Building

1250 14th Street


Denver, CO 80202


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