Research and Creative Work

In the College of Architecture and Planning at the University of Colorado Denver, students and faculty engage directly with our vibrant city, dynamic community, and magnificent landscape by working on real projects that make a real difference. 


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Mycelium Making: Creating Worlds in the Anthropocene

Mohammed Al-Jaber, Adam Dergosits, Jasmine Jones, Taylor Kortas, Kathryn Landers, Paola Larios, Brian McSweeney, Laurie Sheldon, Katie Tardif, Jacob Taswell, Antonio Valencia

12/01/2022 - 12/15/2022 Students were asked to consider the effects of instability and uncertainty on the individual and the collective psyche and propose an environment for co-existence with nature and fellow humans.
Perspective 1

Place of Reflection II

Irina Murphy

12/01/2022 - 12/15/2022 This studio assignment focused on the language of design, organizational and spatial systems and principles as well as on analog and digital methods of visualizing architectural ideas and forms.
Design detail

Place of Reflection

Alex Gardiner

12/01/2022 - 12/15/2022 This studio assignment focused on the language of design, organizational and spatial systems and principles as well as on analog and digital methods of visualizing architectural ideas and forms.
GroverDayton_Simon Section_Final

Refraction Studio

Dayton Grover A community space that celebrates connection to site while functioning as an integral component to the neighborhood and amplifying community expression and interaction.


Sawyer Janney Casting into a single form built of two layers of basswood to illustrate how varying wall heights and tightness of the path inwards creates a variety of different experiences as the viewer moves throughout it.
Stereotomic_Overall iso view 2 E copy

Stereotomic and Tectonic Objects

Jay Tully A stereotomic model with a gridded ordering system incorporates the linear elements of a correlating tectonic object. The overall experience when viewing this model is a playful one: The motion of the object emulates a carousel or a spinning top which brings out the child in the viewer. This is the main objective when designing this model.


Jason Ostrander, Moses Legaspi, and Sinh Tran Aiming to challenge the ideas of authorship and ownership among artistic representation in order to remove control from the hands of corporations who wish to monetize and profit from the works of artistic expression.
Showing 1 - 10 of 333 results

College of Architecture and Planning

CU Denver

CU Denver Building

1250 14th Street


Denver, CO 80202


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