Architecture Work

Student Work


Mycelium Making: Creating Worlds in the Anthropocene

Mohammed Al-Jaber, Adam Dergosits, Jasmine Jones, Taylor Kortas, Kathryn Landers, Paola Larios, Brian McSweeney, Laurie Sheldon, Katie Tardif, Jacob Taswell, Antonio Valencia

12/01/2022 - 12/15/2022 Students were asked to consider the effects of instability and uncertainty on the individual and the collective psyche and propose an environment for co-existence with nature and fellow humans.
GroverDayton_Simon Section_Final

Refraction Studio

Dayton Grover A community space that celebrates connection to site while functioning as an integral component to the neighborhood and amplifying community expression and interaction.


Sawyer Janney Casting into a single form built of two layers of basswood to illustrate how varying wall heights and tightness of the path inwards creates a variety of different experiences as the viewer moves throughout it.
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Stereotomic and Tectonic Objects

Jay Tully A stereotomic model with a gridded ordering system incorporates the linear elements of a correlating tectonic object. The overall experience when viewing this model is a playful one: The motion of the object emulates a carousel or a spinning top which brings out the child in the viewer. This is the main objective when designing this model.


Jason Ostrander, Moses Legaspi, and Sinh Tran Aiming to challenge the ideas of authorship and ownership among artistic representation in order to remove control from the hands of corporations who wish to monetize and profit from the works of artistic expression.
Showing 1 - 6 of 84 results

Faculty Work

Grain Elevator Survey

  • Ekaterini Vlahos
  • Kris Christensen
6/1/2019 Grain elevators are among the most iconic of all structures on the plains of the United States and Canada. They not only contribute to the economies of rural communities, but also serve as a wayfinders in sparsely settled areas. Colorado boasts a variety of grain elevator types, many of which face threats due to changes in agriculture that have resulted in abandonment, demolition or neglect. The objectives of this project were to locate, photograph and document grain elevators in a research area from Interstate-25 to the Colorado eastern border. Through a summer seminar course, graduate students learned how to conduct a selective reconnaissance survey, develop and apply research skills, prepare a context study, and synthesize their findings for the final report. More than 280 extant grain elevators were identified and documented.

Independence Rock

  • Kat Vlahos
  • Mike Nulty
  • Julia Ausloos
1/1/2012 A large granite rock in southwestern Natrona County, Wyoming, Independence Rock stands today as a landmark of great importance. In the 19th century, Independence Rock was a milestone for emigrants migrating with their wagons from the East Coast to the Western frontiers of the country along the Oregon trail, also known as the "Emigrant Trail." Independence Rock may have derived its name from a band of fur trappers who celebrated the American Independence Day in 1930 at the site- but more likely, Independence Rock earned its name as a beacon for emigrants to reach before the 4th of July. If emigrants failed to do this, they endangered their lives and the lives of their dependents as snow and severe weather enveloped the Sierra Mountains. Many emigrants inscribed their name, date, and sometimes other personal details into the rock as they visited en route to the Western frontier. Over the decades, many inscriptions faded due to weathering, erosion, vandalism, and more commonly, lichens. Independence Rock was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1961, and is now part of Independence Rock State Historic Site, owned and operated by the state of Wyoming.

College of Architecture and Planning

CU Denver

CU Denver Building

1250 14th Street


Denver, CO 80202


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