A principal investigator (PI) or co-investigator (Co-PI) is the faculty member identified in the grant/contract as having oversight of the project , and who is responsible for the intellectual and applied aspects of the project. They will work with the
College’s Manager of Grants and Contracts to facilitate management of the work and its associated administrative duties.
Since the institutional responsibility for meeting these obligations is vested in the PI, only individuals in the categories shown below are deemed qualified and can be authorized to be PIs or Co-PIs for s[sponsored projects. Others may be authorized
as PIS or Co-PIs with the prior written approval of the dean or associated dean and/ or department chair.
Tenured or tenure-track faculty (professor, associate professor, assistant professor)
Clinical teaching track faculty
Research associates, where this status has been requested and approved*
If you are not eligible to serve as a PI, but are interested in research opportunities, please reach out for a list of faculty available for collaboration.
c. Select the tab on the left labeled, "Conflict of interest"
d. Click on the box on the left, "Submit/Update Conflict of Interest Disclosure"
e. Answer each of the questions.
f. Mark each page complete before you move on to another tab.
g. On the final page mark complete.
h. Click the submit button on the bottom.
All requests for funding from external sponsors that will flow through the University need to be routed through CAP and the Office of Grants and Contracts.
The CU Denver Office of Research Services (ORS) is the overarching faculty development component of the Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Research. ORS provides individual funding searches, workshops, and other funding resources.
Select: ORS Funding Announcement and Grant Application Forms
ORS has discretionary funding to encourage and support creative activities on the downtown campus. We are committed to awarding such funds to increase faculty productivity and to enhance CU Denver’s reputation. See the ORS website for proposal due dates and proposal submission information.
YUMPS provides support to tenure-track assistant professors at the University of Colorado Denver (Denver Campus) as they advance toward tenure. Funded activities can include: attending professional conferences or a professional development training/workshop,
hiring a research assistant, or purchasing books, software, or specialized equipment.
The President’s Fund for the Humanities (PFH) was established to promote and enhance the humanities on and across campuses and in the wider community, and to preserve balance in the university’s programs of education and research by giving special attention to the humanities.
Diversity & Inclusive Excellence Grants fund innovative projects that promote diversity and inclusive excellence throughout the University of Colorado.