Bachelor of Science in Architecture

Architectural Studies Track

120 Credit Hour Course Curriculum

All students are enrolled in the Architectural Studies track when declaring the B.S. Arch major. Before the final two semesters in the program, students must choose to either stay in the Architectural Studies track or opt-in to the Architectural Design track instead.

Prior to selecting a track, students should meet with an academic advisor to discuss the impact each track could have on their intended career path after graduation.

Course #Course Title
 ARCH 1711Architectural Visualization I
 ARCH 1721Architectural Visualization II
Take all of the following Design Studies courses in the order indicated
 ARCH 2111Design Studio I (co-rec or pre-rec ARCH 1711)
 ARCH 2121Design Studio II (co-rec or pre-rec ARCH 1721 and ARCH 1711)
 ARCH 3111Design Studio III (pre-rec ARCH 2121)
 ARCH 3121Design Studio IV (pre-rec ARCH 3111)
Take all of the following Cultural Studies courses in the order indicated
 ARCH 1110Introduction to Architecture
 ARCH 2230Architectural History I
 ARCH 3230Architectural History II
Take both of the following Technical Studies courses
 ARCH 3130Construction Practices: Material and Structural Systems
 ARCH 3430Construction Practices: Building Envelope
Take one of the following Math courses/sets
 MATH 1110 & MA 1120College Algebra, College Trigonometry
or one of the following
 MATH 1130Precalculus Mathematics
 MATH 1401Calculus I
 MATH 2411Calculus II
 MATH 2421Calculus III
Note: also applies to the CORE Math requirement
Take both of the following Physics courses
 PHYS 2010College Physics I
 PHYS 2030College Physics Lab I

Architectural Studies Track

Students in the B.S. Arch program have the option to choose one of two tracks with different course requirements. Each track has 27 credits of specified course work to complete the degree. The Architectural Studies track allows more flexibility in course selection; the Architectural Design sub-plan is more structured. 

All students are enrolled in the Architectural Studies track when declaring the B.S. Arch major. Before the final two semesters in the program, students must choose to either stay in the Architectural Studies track or opt-in to the Architectural Design track instead.

Students must earn at least a C- grade in required architecture and math courses. Architecture and math courses must be repeated if the student earns less than a C- grade.

Image showing examples of coursework in the 72-credit BS ARCH Architecture Studies Track

Complete 27 credits specific to Architectural Studies ONLY

  • Take 15 hours of Architecture electives (prefix ARCH)
  • Take 12 hours of CAP electives (may be any prefix used in the College of Architecture and Planning)

Note: Any of the specific courses listed in the Architectural Design track may be taken and will count as ARCH electives.

Take the additional required elective

  • ARCH 36xx - any History/Cultural Architecture elective

Take both of the following additional Technical Studies courses

  • ARCH 3330 - Building Systems I
  • ARCH 3340 - Theory of Structures I

Take six hours of CAP electives (any prefix used in the College of Architecture and Planning)

Note: Additional general elective hours may be needed to reach the required 120 hours for the B.S. Arch degree. 

Required math and physics courses may apply toward general electives if not already applied toward core math or biological and physical sciences requirements.

Connect With an Advisor

Profile Picture Name Contact Information
Krista Busch

Krista Busch

Principal Undergraduate Academic Advisor and Student Success Specialist
Kyle Danforth's headshot

Kyle Danforth

Senior Academic Advisor for Graduate Architecture
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