Professor Carrie Makarewicz interviewed by Daily Camera about housing issues in Boulder
CAP | CAP Apr 17, 2019
Carrie Makarewicz, Assistant Professor in CU Denver's Department of Urban and Regional Planning was recently interviewed by Daily Camera for the article, "Chamber eyes collaborative approach to growing." The article discusses the diverse issues negatively impacting Boulder's economic development and overall vitality, focusing on the growing talent and labor shortage, the lack of affordable housing, and growing traffic problems. To address these issues, the Boulder Chamber of Congress is launching Boulder Together, an collaborative initiative that aims to identify areas that offer redevelopment opportunities for housing and review processes that are barriers for development.
Professor Makarewicz offers some insight into housing challenges nationwide. "Ideally, people want to live closer to where they work . . . But in reality, people commute to work in urban areas to balance their housing needs and jobs, she said. As housing becomes more expensive in core areas, workers find it cheaper to move to suburban regions, adding more time to their daily commutes to work. In a two-person household, the decision to live in a place might be governed by a desire to be located at a mid-point between one another’s workplace— if they work in different locations."
Read all of Makarewicz's comments and the full Daily Camera article here.
Professor Makarewicz offers some insight into housing challenges nationwide. "Ideally, people want to live closer to where they work . . . But in reality, people commute to work in urban areas to balance their housing needs and jobs, she said. As housing becomes more expensive in core areas, workers find it cheaper to move to suburban regions, adding more time to their daily commutes to work. In a two-person household, the decision to live in a place might be governed by a desire to be located at a mid-point between one another’s workplace— if they work in different locations."
Read all of Makarewicz's comments and the full Daily Camera article here.
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