NREL Urban Planners Translate Energy Technology into Market Success through Local, State, Federal, and Tribal Governments
CAP | CAP Apr 17, 2019Urban planners have not historically dealt in energy issues, yet clean energy is a growing focus around the world and urban planners' role in energy transitions is evolving as demand increases. Megan Day—one of a growing cohort of urban and regional planners working at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)—said she believes urban planners are uniquely suited to provide the technical assistance required to apply integrated energy solutions within local jurisdictions.
Between Day and her colleague Alison Holm, the duo brings nearly two decades of urban planning experience to the table. Their role is much needed and expanding as cities, states, and tribes deploy renewable energy systems and set ambitious clean energy goals.
Read the full article on NREL's website.