Announcing the CAP 2019 - 2020 Accolades
Aug 18, 2020
Academic Year 2019-20
Faculty Awards
Lois Brink, Graduate School Dean’s Mentoring Award for Master’s Students on the Downtown Campus for 2020.
Julee Herdt, 2020. MycoBioSIP Project, with students Kenny Becerril, Zoe Kowalczyk, Jan Peciak, and Christopher Pennick, 3rd place in Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (RaCAS), Technology, Engineering, and Math event. (There was no architecture category so they submitted to the technology, engineering, and math category.) 23rd Annual Research and Creative Activities Symposium, University of Colorado Denver, Denver, CO. May 1, 2020.
Kevin Hirth, Best Architects Newspaper Best of Design Award for Architectural Representation. First Prize selected from over 800 entries, 2019.
Blair Satterfield and Marc Swackhamer (in collaboration with HouMinn Practice, HiLo Lab,,and LoDo Lab). July 2020. “Zippered Wood,” Architect Magazine’s R+D Award in Annual Research and Development Award. Check it out here.
Wagoner, Adam and Rebekah Wagoner. 2019. Kansas State University CAPD Alumni Honor Award for architecture.
Student Awards
Marty Egan (LA), Named National Olmsted Scholar Finalist by the Landscape Architecture Foundation.
Sarah Goldblatt (MSHP) and Cate Humby (recent M Arch alumna) won a design innovation award from International Design Awards and European Product Design Awards. Check it out here.
CAP students – Nico Camero, Aria Dellepiane, Craig Riley and Zac Rott – advanced to the semifinalist round in the Imaginations competition, hosted by Walt Disney Imagineering. Over 300 teams nationwide were tasked with designing an iconic installation in their city or college campus that inspires, honors the past, and is a vision of the future. CAP’s team designed a bridge that connects the Auraria Campus to Downtown Denver.
Catharine McCord (MLA), a horticultural therapist specializing in sensory and therapeutic garden design and programming, is the 2020 recipient of the American Horticultural Society’s (AHS) Horticultural Therapy Award, in recognition of significant contributions to the field.
Taisto Makela, Darrin Alfred (CAP alumnus), and Jorge Silvetti, Gio Ponti in the American West, Rizzoli/Electa The only book devoted to the sole building ever built in the United States by the mid-century Italian master architect and designer, Gio Ponti. Opened in 1971, Denver Art Museum's north building was one of the first high-rise art museums. In 2020, after a two-year closure for renovations, the museum is reopening the Ponti building, which will include new architecture and design galleries featuring an exhibition of Pontidesigned objects from the Denver Art Museum and local collections. The book includes both recent and historic photography and tells the story of how Gio Ponti, at the end of his long and remarkable career, created an architectural icon in the American West.
Rocky Piro and Rouse, D., The 21st Century Comprehensive Plan: Sustainable, Resilient, and Equitable Communities for the 21st Century. Routledge Press. 2021.
Articles and Chapters
Louise A. Bordelon & Sanette L. A. Ferreira (2019) “Mountain biking is for (white, wealthy, middle-aged) men: The Cape Epic mountain bike race, Journal of Sport & Tourism,” 23:1, 41-59C.
Lois Brink "A national research agenda supporting green schoolyard development and equitable access to nature," has been accepted for publication in Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene. Collaborators: Robin Moore NCSU, Nilda Cosco, NCSU, Myron F. Floyd, NCSU, William Sullivan, Univ. Illinois, Dana Gerstein, UCANR.
Nan Ellin. “The New Design with Nature,” in Ecologies Design: Transforming Architecture, Landscape and Urbanism, edited by Maibritt Pedersen Zari, Peter Connolly, and Mark Southcombe, 2020, 11 pages, Check it our here.
Joern Langhorst “Decolonizing Spatial Practice: Critical Insights in the Agency of Landscape in Post-Disaster Recovery”. In: Bean, J., Dickinson, S., and Ida, A. (eds.) Critical Practices in Architecture: The Unexamined. (Arts, Design and Culture in Cities Series). Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars, 2020, 45-68.
Carrie Makarewicz, Dantzler, and A. Adkins. 2020. “Another Look at Location Affordability: Understanding the Detailed Effects of Income and Urban Form on Housing and Transportation Expenditures.” Housing Policy Debate.
Carrie Makarewicz, 2019. “Balancing education opportunities with sustainable travel and development”. In: Deakin, Elizabeth (Ed.) The Integration of Transportation, Land Use, and Environmental Planning. Elsevier.
Jeremy Németh and Rigolon A. 2020. “Green gentrification or “just green enough:” Do park location, size, and function affect whether a place gentrifies or not?” Urban Studies, 57: 402-420.
Jeremy Németh, Hollander, J., Whiteman, E., and Johnson, M..2020. “Planning with justice in mind in a shrinking Baltimore.” Journal of Urban Affairs, 42: 351-370 .
Jeremy Németh, 2020. “Bridging and bonding: Public space and immigrant integration in Barcelona’s El Raval.” In Mehta, V. and D. Palazzo (Eds.). Companion to public space. New York: Routledge, pp. 378-389.
Jeremy Németh and Rigolon, A. 2019. “Toward a socio-ecological model of gentrification: How people, place, and policy shape neighborhood change.” Journal of Urban Affairs, 41: 887-909.
Jeremy Németh, 2019. “What shapes uneven access to urban amenities? Thick injustice and the legacy of racial discrimination in Denver’s parks.” Journal of Planning Education and Research. Online First. Check it out here (with A. Rigolon).
Jeremy Németh, 2019. “Designing for difference in Barcelona’s El Raval”. In Banerjee, T. and A. Loukaitou-Sideris (Eds.). The new companion to urban design. New York: Routledge, pp. 122-134.
Andrew Rumbach, E. Sullivan and Carrie Makarewicz. 2020 “Mobile Home Parks and Disasters: Understanding Risk to America’s Third Housing Type.” Natural Hazards Review. 21(2).
Andrew Rumbach, and D. Appler. 2019.” Integrating Historic Preservation into Post-Disaster Recovery: The Role of the Main Street Program.” Journal of Preservation Education and Research. 11: 32-55.
Weinstein, L., Andrew Rumbach and S. Sinha. 2019. “Resilient Growth: Fantasy Plans and Unplanned Developments in India’s Flood-Prone Coastal Cities.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 43(2): 273-291.
Andrew Rumbach and G. Follingstad. 2019. “Urban Disasters Beyond the City: Environmental Risk in India’s FastGrowing Towns and Villages.” International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 34: 94-107.
Cabral, L., Kim, A.M., Manish Shirgaokar, 2019. “Low-stress bicycling connectivity: Assessment of the network buildout in Edmonton, Canada.” Case Studies on Transport Policy 7, 230–238. Check it out here.
Reynard, D., Manish Shirgaokar, 2019. “Harnessing the power of machine learning: Can Twitter data be useful in guiding resource allocation decisions during a natural disaster?” Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 77, 449–463. Check it out here.
Chen Yuan, Bouferguene Ahmed, Manish Shirgaokar, Al-Hussein Mohamed, 2020. “Spatial Analysis Framework for Age-Restricted Communities Integrating Spatial Distribution and Accessibility Evaluation.” Journal of Urban Planning and Development 146, 04019021 1–15. Check it out here.
Weinstein Agrawal, A., Manish Shirgaokar, Misra, A., Wachs, M., Dobbs, B., 2020. “Will ride-hailing enhance mobility for older adults? A California Survey.” Mineta Transportation Institute, San Jose, CA.
Marc Swackhamer and Blaine Brownell, "Learning from Matter: Exploring Materials and Natural Systems in the Graduate Architecture Studio," Contemporary Architectural Education. 2020.
Satterfield, Blair and Marc Swackhamer. 2020. “Bending the Line: Zippered Wood Creating Non-Orthogonal Architectural Assemblies Using the Most Common Linear Building Component (The 2x4).” Fabricate. Edited by Burry, Sabin, Sheil, and Skavara, UCL Press, London.
Heris, M., Fooks, N., Bagstad, K., Austin Troy, and Ancona, Z. 2020. “A rasterized building footprint dataset for the United States.” Nature Scientific Data. 7:207.
Poortinga, A., Nguyen, Q., Tenneson, K., Austin Troy, Bhandari, B., Ellenburg, W.L., Aekakkararungroj, A., Ha, L.T., Pham, H., Nguyen, G.V. and Chishtie, F., 2019. “Linking earth observations for assessing the food security situation in Vietnam: a landscape approach.” Frontiers in Environmental Science, 7: 186
Irwin, E.G., Grove, J.M., Irwin, N., Klaiber, H.A., Towe, C. and Austin Troy, 2019. “Effects of disamenities and amenities on housing markets and locational choices” (pp. 92-110). Yale University Press.
Groffman, P.M., Grove, J.M., Locke, D., Austin Troy, O’Neil-Dunne, J. and Zhou, W., 2019. “Lawns as Common Ground for Society and the Flux of Water and Nutrients.” Science for he Sustainable City: Empirical Insights from the Baltimore School of Urban Ecology, p.220.
Kevin Hirth and Anca Matyiku. 2020. Curated Drawing IMPROPER: symposium and drawing exhibition. College of Architecture and Planning, University of Colorado Denver.
Satterfield, Blair and Marc Swackhamer. 2020. Contributed original drawings. Drawing IMPROPER, symposium and drawing exhibition. College of Architecture and Planning, University of Colorado Denver.
Brian Dale, 2020. Contributed original drawings. Drawing IMPROPER, symposium and drawing exhibition. College of Architecture and Planning, University of Colorado Denver.
Interviews and Featured
Lilly Djaniants (featured), AGBU Insider, May 2020, “Keys to the City,” pp. 8-11.
Jeremy Németh and Sarah Rowan (School of Medicine) at The Conversation and US News and World Report about redlining and COVID-19.
The Conversation Feature
US News Feature
Ann Komara, Interview, 2.28.20, Dumbarton Oaks Newsletter, Check it out here.
Presentations, Podcast, and Advocacy Media Project
Brian Dale, 2020, Participant in Drawing IMPROPER symposium, College of Architecture and Planning, University of Colorado Denver.
Nan Ellin and Kevin Hirth, Keynote address, “Architectural Education and Academic Research,” AIA’s CKLDP (Christopher Kelley Leadership Development Program), May 8, 2020.
Nan Ellin “Re-Imagining Speer Boulevard,” Biennial of the Americas Board, Denver, January 2020.
Nan Ellin “Enhancing Connections on the Auraria Campus, and Between the Campus and Surrounding Neighborhoods,” AHEC Board, Denver, November 2019.
Jeremy Németh, “Can gentrification be equitable?” Rocky Mountain Land Use Institute conference. University of Denver, Denver, CO. 2020.
Ken Schroeppel launched a new advocacy media project called BetterDenverStreets. It currently exists as a Twitter account and YouTube channel with videos produced by Ken, 2020.
Shruti Syal “Pandemics: a macro-review of the connections crucial to urban sustainability.” CAP Conversations, 2020.
Leila Tolderlund and Juhasz. Podcast. “Ecologically-aware architecture.”
Grants and Contracts Awarded
Cynthia Fishman, National Science Foundation SBIR grant to conduct research regarding biomimetic architecture, May 2020.
Michael Jenson, Rocky Piro and Austin Troy, Completed project funded by a Creating Healthy Places grant from the Colorado Health Foundation, June 2020.
Chris Koziol, Partnership with the Department of Defense and Colorado State University on a Guidebook on the DOD Rehabilitation Treatment Measures Project.
Carrie Makarewicz, Next Steps Guidance report for DRCOG on a Regional approach to ending Homelessness that includes information on local and national approaches to homelessness during the pandemic.
Carrie Makarewicz and Andrew Rumbach, Continuing work on the National Science Foundation Collaborative Research project modeling the vulnerability of mobile home parks and affordable housing loss after Hurricane Harvey.
Rocky Piro, Colorado Department of Natural Resources to study the extent to which local jurisdictions are integrating planning for water into projects and programs.
Andrew Rumbach, The Pacific International Center for High Technology Research (PICHTR) awarded for National Disaster Preparedness Training Center Courses.
Matt Shea, Ongoing grant from PCI Foundation Pre-Cast Studio project.
Rick Sommerfeld. 2020. Contract with Severance, CO to build a music pavilion and stage. (Largest contract ever for Design Build).
Austin Troy, Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) awarded to continue their student internship partnership. Also, ongoing grants from NASA, Department of Agriculture, Lincoln Land Institute/Babbitt Center, and Piton Foundation/Shift Research Lab Award to continue student assistantship.
University Technical Assistance Program, contract from Department of Local Affairs, State of Colorado.
Jo Vandenburg, Phil Gallegos, and Maria Delgado, Colorado Department of Higher Education.
Kat Vlahos, National Parks Service for documentation and HABS drawings for the Casa Grande Ruins National Monument. Also, ongoing grant from National Parks Service.
ORS Grants
Kevin Hirth, “Tall Shed Medical Testing.” Tall Shed is an architectural response that provides critical usability while optimizing available construction resources. Center for Faculty Development Grant.
Jeremy Németh with Edelina Burciagai (CLAS), Collaborative Interdisciplinary Grant.
Andrew Rumbach, National Disaster Preparedness Training Center Courses.
Leila Tolderlund, Partnerships and Financing for Inclusive City conference in Copenhagen.
CAP Seed Grants
Louise Bordelon, “Denver as a Landscape for Pollinators.”
Lois Brink, “Telling the story: A cap community-centric curation project.”
Carrie Makarewicz, “Lost in the competitive mix: Identifying solutions to reduce burdens on vulnerable students and families from school, housing, and neighborhood competition”
Jeremy Németh, “Diversity, social capital, and resilience: How can diverse communities resist gentrification?”
Manish Shirgaokar, “Learning from the travel experiences of Persons with Disabilities.”
Leila Tolderlund, “Re-imagining and re-designing the CAP building into an outdoor laboratory protopying living systems.”
Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning and Center for Faculty Development
Louise Bordelon, Teaching Improvement Grant.
Manish Shirgaokar, Young Upwardly Mobile Professors (YUMPS) Grant.