Academic Advising

Academic Advisors

Undergraduate Advisors

Kyle Danforth's headshot

Kyle Danforth

Senior Academic Advisor for Graduate Architecture
  • Administration and Instruction Services (CAP)


Primary Phone:303-315-0104

Kyle Danforth began his career in higher education in 2005 and has served in a variety of roles dealing with experiential education, international student and scholar services, and most recently academic advising. Kyle is an ardent supporter of accessible education and finds purpose in supporting the unique goals of every student in the college.

Graduate Advisors

Kyle Danforth's headshot

Kyle Danforth

Senior Academic Advisor for Graduate Architecture
  • Administration and Instruction Services (CAP)


Primary Phone:303-315-0104

Kyle Danforth began his career in higher education in 2005 and has served in a variety of roles dealing with experiential education, international student and scholar services, and most recently academic advising. Kyle is an ardent supporter of accessible education and finds purpose in supporting the unique goals of every student in the college.


The College of Architecture and Planning student services team aims to foster student success by offering a welcoming environment, where students are provided tools and resources that will empower them to make decisions leading to the highest level of academic, career, and personal achievement.

To accomplish our mission, the student services staff in the College of Architecture and Planning will:

  • Assist students in the development of meaningful education plans.
  • Serve as a resource for students to provide timely, accurate information and professional advice about degree programs, university policies and procedures, campus resources, and student engagement opportunities.
  • Support and advance the recruitment, admission, and enrollment of students to the College.
  • Encourage self-reliant problem-solving.
  • Empower students to take responsibility for achieving their academic, career, and personal goals.
  • Assist students in their transition and integration into college/the College.
  • Forster community at the College and University level.
  • Collaborate with faculty to ensure accurate curricular information is communicated to both current and prospective students.
  • Help students build professional networks and skills in their field through participation in Internship and Mentorship programs.

Academic Advising 101

Program Handbooks

Master of Urban & Regional Planning Handbook


PhD in Geography, Planning & Design Handbook


Department of Architecture (Grad and Undergrad) Handbook


Academic Policies

Incomplete Form

In order to receive an Incomplete Form, we ask that you contact your advisor.

Advising Forms

Advising Sheets

On this page you can find downloadable PDFs of advising sheets for the College of Architecture and Planning's degree programs.

BS Architecture

Master of Architecture

MS in Historic Preservation

Master of Landscape Architecture

Master of Urban Design

Master of Urban and Regional Planning

Newly Admitted Student Checklists

Attend Orientation

Register for and attend an orientation session. Go to the Orientation website for information, available dates, and to register.

Activate Email Accounts & Student Portal

Students are required to activate their CU Denver email account & student portal, which will be used for all university-related business. First, activate your UCD Access account. Follow the instructions for New Students. You will need your CU Denver username and password. If you are having difficulty, contact IT Services Help Desk at 303-724-4357.

Academic Advising

Meet with your academic advisor to discuss classes and degree requirements, review transfer credit (if any), and for help with registration.

Transfer Credit Evaluation

In order to accurately evaluate transfer credit awards, students must submit final, official transcripts from all institutions previously attended. Final, official transcripts should be sent to CU Denver’s Office of the Registrar. Once received, the transcript(s) will be reviewed for transferrable and applicable general education and general elective credit. In situations where architecture and/or design coursework has been completed, only the Architecture Faculty have the authority to evaluate these courses when determining equivalencies to the BS ARCH curriculum. Please contact your academic advisor to request formal review of prior architecture/design coursework, once you have submitted final, official transcripts to the Registrar.

Students seeking transfer credit for architecture studios must submit a portfolio of work completed in previous studio experiences. In any case, a student may be awarded a maximum studio transfer award of Design Studio I and Design Studio II. Students wishing to submit portfolio work for review must use the following link to share their work, as this ensures confidential and secure handling of student material; please do not email portfolio material to your advisor.  

Submit your portfolio for review.

Additional transfer credit information and policies can be found in the College of Architecture and Planning Graduation Requirements in the CU Denver Catalog.

Colorado community college system transfer students may consult the “BS Arch Transfer Guide for CO Community College Students” (link to “BS Arch Transfer Guide for CO Community College Students” in prospective student section of website) to reference established transfer rules for transferable and applicable general education, general elective, and architecture major courses.

Authorize College Opportunity Funds

The College Opportunity Funds (COF) tuition stipend is available for undergraduate Colorado residents. To claim this tuition reduction, log into your student portal and click COF Authorization. For more info, visit the COF website. 

Register for Courses

Log in to UCDAccess to search and register for the classes that you discussed with your advisor.

Obtain Student ID Card

The ID Center is located in the Tivoli Student Union Bookstore. You must be registered for courses and have a print-out of your schedule with you in order to get your ID card. For more information, call 303.556.8385.         

Finalize Tuition Payment and Financial Aid

Make payment arrangements with the Bursar’s Office. If you are receiving financial aid, make sure your paperwork is complete.
Bursar: 303.315.1800, Student Commons, 5th Floor
Financial Aid: 303.315.1850, Student Commons, 5th Floor 

Immunization Records

For more information, contact the Health Center at Auraria, Plaza Building 150, 303.556.2525, ext. 8 or visit the immunizations website.

Consider Student Housing Options

The Office of Housing and Dining serves as a resource for student housing needs. Please contact the Housing by email or visit the Housing website 

Tivoli Bookstore

Buy your books! Bring a copy of your schedule to the bookstore in the Tivoli or visit the Auraria Bookstore website. 

Check Your Schedule

Check UCDAccess frequently to verify enrollment, classrooms, and waitlist status. Print your course schedule the day before classes start (room changes can happen until the day before classes begin).

Have extra time? Why not…

Provide proof of immunization

Before you can register for classes at CU Denver you must provide proof of certain immunizations. You can read the policy and get the necessary forms on the health center's website.

Familiarize yourself with resources available at the College

​Register For Classes 

Registration is done online via the UCDAccess Portal. There are several "how-tos" in the portal to help you with most tasks. UCDAccess is used by enrolled students for the following types of activities:

  • Registration (registration, drop/add)
  • Financial aid (view and accept awards, notify us of external scholarships)
  • Billing (pay your bill, set up a payment plan)

The University of Colorado will assign you an ID Number if you have not attended one of the four universities within the CU system prior to admittance to the program. It was included on your admission letter and is also accessible in the application portal. You will need it to register for courses and to setup your e-mail accounts.

If you have attended one of the CU universities, then your ID Number will remain the same. If you wish to change your student number you may do so by contacting the ID Services Office in the Tivoli Student Union (Room 269) on the Auraria campus at 303.556.8385.

Registration for Denver classes is done online, with the exception of Independent Studies and Doctoral Thesis credits. Use a Special Processing Form to register for Independent Study Courses and Doctoral Thesis Research hours.

Here is the helpful Registrar's website that may answer questions you have.

Finalize Tuition Payment

Make payment arrangements with the Bursar's Office, or if you are receiving financial aid, make sure your paperwork is complete. You many wish to contact the Financial Aid office.

​​Get Your Student ID Card

The ID Center is located in the Tivoli Student Union in the bookstore on the Auraria campus. You must be registered for your courses AND have a print-out of your schedule with you in order to get your ID card. For more information, please call 303.556.8385.

A portion of your student fees goes towards your Denver Student ID card and bus pass. Your Denver Student ID will enable you to access the Auraria Library and Student Wellness Center.

Become Familiar With Campus, Parking and Transportation

We encourage you to visit the campus and become familiar with it before classes begin. You may arrange a campus tour by calling the Office of Admissions at 303.556.2704. Your student ID card includes an RTD transit pass.

Become Familiar With Other Services On Campus

The Disability Resources and Services Office is available to provide accommodations for students with special needs. For more information, please call 303.556.3450.

The Office of Veteran Student Services is another campus resource. For more information please call 303.556.2630.

If you need housing assistance, you can find a database of housing referrals at the Information Desk inside the Tivoli Student Union (second floor) on the Auraria campus, as well as several other resources that you can employ to help with your housing search, including the Student Housing website.

Set Up Your E-mail Account

You will receive information from the campus Admissions office about how to register and set up your email account. The Office of Information technology runs a help desk if you need assistance. Remember, email is the official means of communication between the university and students and policy dictates that we communicate with you through your official CU Denver email account. Please check it often. 



Students may apply to graduate in the Spring, Summer, and Fall semesters. Students planning on graduating have the ability to apply for that semester’s graduation beginning the first day of course registration. The last day for students to apply for graduation is census date of the term in which they plan to graduate. Students who do not apply for graduation by the deadline will not be eligible for graduation that term.

Commencement ceremonies are held during the Fall and Spring semesters; students graduating in the Summer semester are invited to attend the Fall commencement ceremony.

All students MUST meet with their advisor at the beginning of their final term for a graduation check-out appointment. We recommend students schedule an appointment PRIOR to the add/drop deadline of their final term in case schedule adjustments need to be made to fulfill final degree requirements. After meeting with their advisor, students should apply for graduation online through UCDAccess.

Information about commencement activities (dates, special passes, cap and gowns, and graduation announcements) can be found on the Graduation website.

College of Architecture and Planning

CU Denver

CU Denver Building

1250 14th Street


Denver, CO 80202


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