Architecture | Research and Creative Work

Windcatcher House 2010

Date: 8/8/2016
Others Involved: Christopher O’Hara Principal Studio NYL Structural Engineers Student Researchers: Amber Danzl Amy Beresford Cayla McConnell Dominic Herrera Emily Martin Eric Sechrist George Kincaid Jessica Garfin Jocelyn Turkowski Jonah Rogin Joshua Paulsen Katie Carleo Lisa Robins Matthew Joiner Matthew Rennert Mike Sullivan Mark Olsen Nik Rael Nina Afshar Peter Lutz Tina Pruett Wren Hoffmann Faculty Advisor: University of Colorado Faculty:
Rick Sommerfeld
Rob Pyatt

DesignBuildBLUFF at the University of Utah:
Hank Louis
Mitch McCombs
Andrew Foster
Cynthia Bithell
Atsushi Yamamoto

“Windcatcher House” was designed for a single mother and her son in Southeastern Utah. The design aims to protect from the harsh desert climate, while utilizing the beneficial attributes of the natural elements. This manifests itself in the focal point of residence, the central hearth, or “windcatcher.” The hearth naturally acts as both the primary cooling and heating source for the home, utilizing passive evaporative cooling through wetted media within the tower, and a wood stove at its base. Thermal mass is utilized through compressed earth blocks surrounding the stove and rammed earth walls, protecting the home from harsh winds and the intense summer sun.

College of Architecture and Planning

CU Denver

CU Denver Building

1250 14th Street


Denver, CO 80202


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