Lyons Town Hall Plaza Design

Date: 6/21/2014 - 9/20/2014
Principal Researchers:

Location: Lyons, Boulder County, Colorado

During the flood of 2013, the town hall in Lyons was overcome by water. Once the water receded, debris was deposited in the open space in front of the building. Much of that debris was removed after the storm, but the site remained a rough dirt space that was in dire need of improvement.

A plan was requested to design a plaza in front of the town hall for town staff to gather, for town meeting space and for a display of the town’s pride and a symbol of building back better. Design plan alternatives were shared with the community and following discussion, settled on one plan that included seating walls, positive drainage away from the building, and terraced landscaping - all set into a river-like setting of chipper fines and a boulder “island” with perennials.

The town quickly took action to implement this plan and with support from local contractors. In this project, it can be said that preliminary plans and illustrations generated excitement within the community and is moving a project idea into a reality.

Field Coordinator: Mike Tupa
CCCD Team: 
Aynslee Joyce and Sarah Morse
Local Participants: Jacque Watson, Town Clerk; Victoria Simonsen, Town Manager; Deb Pearson, Lyons Grant Manager

College of Architecture and Planning

CU Denver

CU Denver Building

1250 14th Street


Denver, CO 80202


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