Haxtun Health-Wellness Center

Date: 6/1/2016
Principal Researchers:


Location: Haxtun, CO

Design was to consider the removal of an older facility that is not serving the community and replace it with an upgraded pool, locker rooms, indoor ball court, exercise rooms, and community facilities that promote better health. After site inspection ideas were developed for a 4 lane pool and separate child pool area, expanded locker rooms, check in desk and entry seating area, and an expanded ball court that can be used for a variety of purposes. A 2nd story track was also shown to provide indoor exercise potential during the winter months.

Designs were submitted for town review. Designs helped the town to understand what was possible on the given site and what the budget for such a facility might cost.

Project Team: Diana Souders (Carrie Cordova), Mike Tupa (Project Coordinator)
Local Participants: Town Manager and Recreation Facility Staff
DOLA Regional Manager: Greg Etl

College of Architecture and Planning

CU Denver

CU Denver Building

1250 14th Street


Denver, CO 80202


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