Kat Vlahos

Kat Vlahos

Professor and Interim Chair
  • Center of Preservation Research (CAP)
  • College of Architecture and Planning

Email Address:kat.vlahos@ucdenver.edu

Primary Phone:303-315-0573

Ekaterini 'Kat' Vlahos is a Professor of Architecture in the College of Architecture and Planning. She served as the Chair of the Department of Architecture from 2013-2019, and as the Director of the Center of Preservation Research (CoPR) from 2008 – 2020.

Professor Vlahos facilitated the establishment and growth of multiple programs in CAP including the Bachelor of Science in Architecture, Master of Science in Historic Preservation, and the Center of Preservation Research (CoPR). She has received the Preservation Leadership Award, Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Collaborative Practice Award, and was the recipient of the American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship and Scholar in Residence in Japan. In collaboration with students and staff in CoPR, she received the Stephen H. Hart Award for outstanding projects in historic preservation throughout Colorado.

Professor Vlahos’ expertise and scholarship focus on the development of innovative methods to broaden our understanding of cultural landscapes that define the American West. Her approach is shaped around the principle that multiple kinds of evidence developed through documentation, survey, and assessment, promotes informed decision-making for future planning. Her investigations focus on understanding changing cultural landscapes that weave together the human experience, cultural traditions, and sustainable approaches for building in relationship with nature and the land. 

Professor Vlahos holds leadership positions on the boards of the Colorado Historical Foundation and the National Council for Preservation Training and Technology. She is also serving as an expert member on several international ICOMOS Scientific Committees to encourage an understanding of place, from the local to the global.

She received her Bachelor of Environmental Design degree from CU Boulder and MArch from CU Denver. She is a licensed architect and practiced for 18 years on both coasts before returning to Colorado and entering the academy as a full-time faculty member. 

CoPR and Current Research Website



  • Regionalism and the Vernacular
  • Advanced Design Studio
  • Documentation, Analysis, Representation
  • Preservation Design Studio
  • Special Topic: Digital Documentation/Cultural Landscape

Areas of Expertise


Vernacular Architecture, Cultural Landscapes, Biophilia and Ecological Design, Historic Preservation, Documentation Methods.

Education, Licensure & Certifications


  • MArch, University of Colorado
  • BS, University of Colorado

College of Architecture and Planning

CU Denver

CU Denver Building

1250 14th Street


Denver, CO 80202


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