In the College of Architecture and Planning at the University of Colorado Denver, students and faculty engage directly with our vibrant city, dynamic community, and magnificent landscape by working on real projects that make a real difference.
Location: Woodland Park, CO
Woodland Park Downtown Design Committee requested ideas for how to handle a back-alley along their Main Street. They came to the realization that the Main Street highway would not allow a desirable shopping experience so wondered about their Quinn Alley and how that could work. Additionally they wanted to know how pedestrian access through town could be enhanced across the highway and include future development south of their main downtown district.
Designs provided options for adjusting the Quinn Alley parking, expanding pedestrian walkways along the alley and showed the town how expanded retail store fronts could be added to the back and side alley walkways. A street closure was proposed to expand the pedestrian plaza character and direct views to Pikes Peak to the south. Coordination was primarily thorough the steering committee, town staff and local merchant input.
A final report was reviewed and submitted to the town for their use in future planning of the streetscape along Main Street, Quinn Alley and crossing configurations.
Project Team: Aynslee Joyce, Matt Roth, Nikhila Ramineedi, Sara Morse, Mike Tupa (Field Coordinator)
Local Participants: Woodland Park Downtown Design Committee and Town Staff
DOLA Regional Manager: Clay Brown