In the College of Architecture and Planning at the University of Colorado Denver, students and faculty engage directly with our vibrant city, dynamic community, and magnificent landscape by working on real projects that make a real difference.
A New Horizon for the Sunrise Neighborhood: A Comprehensive Analysis of Zoning and Land Use
Student Researcher: Kate Stefani
Link to Capstone Poster
Link to Executive Summary
The Sunrise Neighborhood in Greeley, Colorado has a significant number of residential nonconforming uses due to zoning and land use discrepancies. The nonconforming status of these properties limits their ability to alter, expand, or rebuilt. Although traditional zoning theory states that nonconformities should be eliminated over time, the City of Greeley recognizes the importance of these homes to this well-established neighborhood, and is seeking ways to maintain them while allowing the same developmental rights as properly zoned homes in the area. Several options to address this issue were researched and recommendations were made for the City of Greeley to consider.