In the College of Architecture and Planning at the University of Colorado Denver, students and faculty engage directly with our vibrant city, dynamic community, and magnificent landscape by working on real projects that make a real difference.
Spatial Vignettes
Date: 8/21/2017
Student Researchers: Michael K. HackettFaculty Advisor: Jordan Gravely
In this project, I explored inhabitable spatial relationships between three major moments: entry, transition, and arrival. These moments were discovered through previous investigations of architectural techniques such as stereotomic and tectonic building. By investigating spatial sequences and how they are related, the term “threshold” became apparent. By using detailed and intentful thresholds, this project gained a cohesive experience for the viewer.
Main drivers behind this spatial vignette were sight lines, repetition, and compression and release. Sight lines are represented through voided space and material changes. Repetition is represented through aesthetic features such as the overhead condition, as well as orientation in each moment. Compression and release is represented throughout the experience within each moment as well.