Research and Creative Work

In the College of Architecture and Planning at the University of Colorado Denver, students and faculty engage directly with our vibrant city, dynamic community, and magnificent landscape by working on real projects that make a real difference. 

Improving Transportation Alternatives for Youth

Date: 1/1/2021 - 5/31/2021

Improving Transportation Alternatives for Youth 

Student Researcher: Bryn McKillop

Client: Pueblo Area Council of Governments
View Capstone Poster
View Executive Summary 

This project is a set of recommendations to improve youth transportation in Pueblo County, Colorado. Working together, the Pueblo Associated Council of Governments and the Pueblo Department of Health and the Environment seek to improve access to prosocial activities for youth by improving the ways in which youth reach them. They had surveyed where youth wanted to go and what was stopping them from getting there but needed a set of recommendations to address the barriers. Utilizing guidance from the National Association of City Transportation Officials, case studies from other cities, and by studying the existing conditions of Pueblo, the project delivered four general recommendations with applications specific to Pueblo. 

College of Architecture and Planning

CU Denver

CU Denver Building

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Denver, CO 80202


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