Research and Creative Work

In the College of Architecture and Planning at the University of Colorado Denver, students and faculty engage directly with our vibrant city, dynamic community, and magnificent landscape by working on real projects that make a real difference. 

Colorado Roadless Rule ArcGIS Story Map

Date: 1/1/2021 - 5/31/2021

Colorado Roadless Rule ArcGIS Story Map

Student Researcher: Victoria Sanderson

Client: U.S. Forest Service - Rocky Mountain Regional Office
View Capstone Poster
View Executive Summary 

The US Forest Service 2012 Colorado Roadless Rule guides management of Colorado Roadless Areas on National Forest System lands. There may be misconceptions that management is not allowed or needed in roadless areas and that the Colorado Roadless Rule itself can be a barrier to sustainable multiple use management. This may leave roadless areas unmanaged, risking increased forest fuel loads and impacts to drinking water sources, infrastructure, and ecosystem services that roadless areas provide. To help dispel these misconceptions, this Capstone explored a different approach to communicating the Colorado Roadless Rule that may not yet be widely used by agencies – visual storytelling with an ArcGIS Story Map. The Rundown on Roadless Story Map was created to assist the Forest Service Rocky Mountain Regional Office in communicating the agency’s vision for the management and protection of Colorado Roadless Areas to employees, particularly land managers and practitioners in Colorado. The Rundown on Roadless Story Map is an internal planning support tool and demonstrates how large amounts of information can be communicated in a more accessible and clearer framework to minimize misunderstandings of large-scale complex issues. 


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