Maternal diet quality in pregnancy and neonatal adiposity: the Healthy Start Study.

Shapiro AL, Kaar JL, Crume TL, Starling AP, Siega-Riz AM, Ringham BM, Glueck DH, Norris JM, Barbour LA, Friedman JE, Dabelea D

Exposure to maternal diabetes in utero and offspring eating behavior: The EPOCH study.

Shapiro AL, Sauder KA, Tregellas JR, Legget KT, Gravitz SL, Ringham BM, Glueck DH, Johnson SL, Dabelea D

Childhood Metabolic Biomarkers Are Associated with Performance on Cognitive Tasks in Young Children.

Shapiro AL, Wilkening G, Aalborg J, Ringham BM, Glueck DH, Tregellas JR, Dabelea D

Targeting risk factors for type 2 diabetes in American Indian youth: the Tribal Turning Point pilot study.

Sauder KA, Dabelea D, Bailey-Callahan R, Kanott Lambert S, Powell J, James R, Percy C, Jenks BF, Testaverde L, Thomas JM, Barber R, Smiley J, Hockett CW, Zhong VW, Letourneau L, Moore K, Delamater AM, Mayer-Davis E

Prenatal Vitamin D Intake, Cord Blood 25-Hydroxyvitamin D, and Offspring Body Composition: The Healthy Start Study.

Sauder KA, Koeppen HJ, Shapiro ALB, Kalata KE, Stamatoiu AV, Ringham BM, Glueck DH, Norris JM, Dabelea D

Predictors of Infant Body Composition at 5 Months of Age: The Healthy Start Study.

Sauder KA, Kaar JL, Starling AP, Ringham BM, Glueck DH, Dabelea D

Exploring the association between maternal prenatal multivitamin use and early infant growth: The Healthy Start Study.

Sauder KA, Starling AP, Shapiro AL, Kaar JL, Ringham BM, Glueck DH, Dabelea D

Diet, physical activity and mental health status are associated with dysglycaemia in pregnancy: the Healthy Start Study.

Sauder KA, Starling AP, Shapiro AL, Kaar JL, Ringham BM, Glueck DH, Leiferman JA, Siega-Riz AM, Dabelea D.

Cord Blood Vitamin D Levels and Early Childhood Blood Pressure: The Healthy Start Study.

Sauder KA, Stamatoiu AV, Leshchinskaya E, Ringham BM, Glueck DH, Dabelea D
Showing 265 - 276 of 529 results

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