Prenatal exposure to traffic and ambient air pollution and infant weight and adiposity: The Healthy Start Study

Starling AP, Moore BF, Thomas JM, Peel JL, Zhang W, Adgate JL, Magzamen S, Martenies S, Allshouse WB, Dabelea D.

Maternal Dietary Patterns during Pregnancy Are Associated with Newborn Body Composition.

Starling AP, Sauder KA, Kaar JL, Shapiro AL, Siega-Riz AM, Dabelea D

Blood pressure during pregnancy, neonatal size and altered body composition: the Healthy Start study.

Starling AP, Shapiro ALB, Sauder KA, Kaar JL, Ringham BM, Glueck DH, Galan HL, Dabelea D

Associations of maternal BMI and gestational weight gain with neonatal adiposity in the Healthy Start study.

Starling AP, Brinton JT, Glueck DH, Shapiro AL, Harrod CS, Lynch AM, Siega-Riz AM, Dabelea D

Reply to Moossavi and Azad, "Quantifying and interpreting the association between early-life gut microbiota composition and childhood obesity"

Stanislawski MA, Dabelea D, Wagner BD, Iszatt N, Dahl C, Sontag MK, Knight R, Lozupone CA, Eggesbø M. 

Gut microbiota phenotypes of obesity.

Stanislawski MA, Dabelea D, Lange LA, Wagner BD, Lozupone CA

Gut microbiota in adolescents and the association with fatty liver: the EPOCH study

Stanislawski MA, Lozupone CA, Wagner BD,  Eggesbo M, Sontag MK, Nusbacher NM, Martinez M, Dabelea D 

Nicotinamide Promotes Adipogenesis in Umbilical Cord-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Is Associated with Neonatal Adiposity: The Healthy Start BabyBUMP Project.

Shapiro AL, Boyle KE, Dabelea D, Patinkin ZW, De la Houssaye B, Ringham BM, Glueck DH, Barbour LA, Norris JM, Friedman JE
Showing 253 - 264 of 529 results

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