Alert: Plaza Building Is Closed

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Special Thanks To Our Supporters & Contributors!


The Office of Research Servies (ORS) -  Awarded grants and research funding assistance

Don Johnson / Bixler Fund - Funding for studio and elective courses, research assistants, and research projects

Carmen New -  Ongoing website, media, and documentation assistance

Jesse Kuroiwa - Ongoing documentation assistance

Mike Harring - Ongoing technology assistance

Kevin Hirth - Loaning LoDo Lab a Prusa MK3S 3D printer 

Chris Koziol - Loaning LoDo Lab vented hood and lab equipment

Andrew Henderson - Early on 3D printing & research assistance

Khi Johnson - Early on  website assistance

Donations Greatly Appreciated! 

LoDo Lab welcomes financial and material contributions! Our research is resource-intensive and we rely on your support to achieve our goals. Donations will be used to support student researchers, purchase select project-related equipment and materials, and fund workshops and other lab-supported opportunities. Your help is greatly appreciated!

Thank you!


College of Architecture and Planning

CU Denver

CU Denver Building

1250 14th Street


Denver, CO 80202


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