The Green Roof Café

Date: 4/11/2019 - 4/11/2019
Student Researchers: Gaelen Means, Helen Davidoski, Kortney Harris and Kyle Roddy Faculty Advisor: Leila Tolderlund

Students in Leila Tolderlund's landscape architecture course, LDAR 6712 Green Roofs/Living Systems, designed the "The Green Roof Café," a mobile coffee shop and combined green roof and solar PV educational exhibit, designed to unfold from a 2.5m x 6m
customized shipping container into 1,2 or 3 parking spaces.The Green Roof Pop-Up Container Café is designed to be able to travel around European Cities to provide an unconventional participatory learning experience and educate the public about the benefits, components, economics, and regulations of green roofs in urban areas.

The project was accepted for poster presentation at EUGIC (European Urban Green Infrastructure Conference) and finalist for the Creative Vision, Concept or Theory category.

Colorado Center for Community Development

CU Denver

CU Denver Building

1250 14th Street


Denver, CO 80202


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