Renew North Nevada Avenue: Progress and Measures Report

Principal Researchers: Erin Andrews-Sharer

The City of Colorado Springs adopted the Renew North Nevada Avenue Master Plan (NNAVE) in 2017, which lays out a vision to address the corridor’s infrastructure and economic needs through transportation enhancements, infrastructure improvements, and the promotion of a walkable and mixed-use district. Although the city has put forth significant effort into planning, policies, and studies for this area, the visible changes in the corridor since 2017 are minimal. This post-industrial urban redevelopment project requires strong partnerships and collaboration across multiple city departments in addition to clear communication with the development community and stakeholders about investment in the area. The Renew North Nevada Progress and Measures Report presents an analysis of the NNAVE plan, a synthesis of existing conditions and progress to date, and recommendations for key indicators to track and communicate goal-oriented and visionary progress to the broader community.

Colorado Center for Community Development

CU Denver

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