Plaza of Stars

Date: January 2024 - May 2024
Student Researchers: Astrid Yankosky Faculty Advisor: Louise Bordelon Location: Lookout Mountain Park exists on First Nation’s land of the Ute and Cheyenne people, adjacent to Lakota lands.

Studio 2

Lookout Mountain Park, Colorado

The merging of physical and cultural edges, the four sides of the mountain, the four cardinal directions, above, below and center, and many other inherent phases of life honored by the indigenous sacred circle, or medicine wheel, inspired a new plaza for the heart of the park. 

The plaza is centered on historic entrance to Pahaska Tee Pee provides grand promenade from east to west - from more built-up area of park, through plaza and into more rugged areas. 

This plaza opens space for under-represented identities of the Wild West Show performers from all over the world and provides a more intimate counterpart to other DMP star, Red Rocks Amphitheater. 

Colorado Center for Community Development

CU Denver

CU Denver Building

1250 14th Street


Denver, CO 80202


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