Organizational Network Analysis of the Kids Count Grantee Network

Date: 1/1/2015 - 12/31/2016
Principal Researchers: Danielle Varda, Center on Network Science Others Involved: Rebecca Hofkes & Sara Sprong, Center on Network Science Christine Velez & Bridget Nuechterlein, University of Colorado Denver's The Evaluation Center Location: Nationwide Funding: Annie E. Casey Foundation

In partnership with KIDS COUNT, the University of Colorado Denver’s Center on Network Science and The Evaluation Center Team conducted an organizational network evaluation of the KIDS COUNT Grantee Network (KCGN) by (1) assessing the partnership engagement process and the level of communication among partners in the KCGN; (2) assessing changes in activities, policies, programs, or systems that have occurred as a result of the initiative; (3) identifying facilitators and barriers faced by members of the KCGN; and (4) used the information developed through this research to inform future partner efforts.

The KIDS COUNT Network consists of members from state-based child advocacy, nonprofit, and research organizations along with leadership from the Annie E Casey Foundation. In total, there are grantees in every US state, as well as the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, each who have developed partnerships at multiple levels throughout the state system. These networks of partners in each state are helping lawmakers, public agencies, and nonprofits understand the nation’s changing demographic profile to encourage more effective programs and policies. KIDS COUNT grantees are building strong relationships with stakeholders to move the discussion from data to larger social change and legislation.

More Information: More information Contact Information: Danielle Varda,

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