Illustrating Vision: The East Mulberry Plan

Date: 1/1/2022 - 5/31/2022

Illustrating Vision: The East Mulberry Plan

Student Researcher: Morgan Gardner

Client: Metta Urban Design on behalf of the City of Fort Collins
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Illustrating Vision: The East Mulberry Plan is a capstone project that explores the integration of urban design and planning strategies in an industrial, underdeveloped area of Fort Collins. The area faces impending mass development as the city starts to guide growth to the area, and deals with flooding and a lack of safe pedestrian connections. Strategies to combat gentrification, honor industrial character, and rebuild infrastructure are explored, and recommendations are provided that are specific to the unique geography and character of the area, including the use of design overlays and guidelines, strategic infill projects, unique recreation and commercial opportunities, enhanced multimodal infrastructure, and drought-resistant green infrastructure that reduces flooding.


Colorado Center for Community Development

CU Denver

CU Denver Building

1250 14th Street


Denver, CO 80202


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