Eugene Sternberg

Date: - May 31, 2020
Student Researchers: Miki Blair

This project is a brief look at the amazing work that Eugene Sternberg did. The majority of his work was in Colorado in the Arapahoe county area, Steamboat Springs and Denver. He was passionate about the parallel of affordability and quality. He was very much about creating a better experience for the people he was designing for. He built things like clinics, hospitals, schools and neighborhoods. Essentials that everyone needs.

Part one of this project goes over the personal life of Sternberg and a selection of his most impactful/ well known works. I have chosen projects that show the style and passions that Sternberg had. These projects define who Eugene Sternberg was an architect and planner but he is not limited to just these.

When starting this project, I realized nowhere is there a place that lists all of the work that he has done. He has no compilation of his work, no portfolio that is available to the public. This sparked my Part two of my project. Using many different resources, I compiled a spreadsheet with all of the projects that I came across and the information I could find about it. I did the best I could and used my best judgement to fill out the spreadsheet as accurately as possible. I hope to continue this and confirm my findings when things start to open up again. Many sources say he did around 400 projects but my spreadsheet only has 195 projects that I could find. I am hoping this is a good place to start.

Colorado Center for Community Development

CU Denver

CU Denver Building

1250 14th Street


Denver, CO 80202


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