A Social Network Analysis and Qualitative Assessment of Partnerships for Million Hearts
Date: 1/1/2015 - 12/31/2017
Principal Researchers: Danielle Varda, Center on Network Science, and Malcolm Williams, RAND Corporation
Others Involved: Kayleigh Newman, Center on Network Science; Michael Schooley, Ashley Marshall, Kincaid Lowe Beasley & Briana Lucido, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Location: Nationwide
Funding: Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE); Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
In partnership with RAND, the conducted an organizational network evaluation of the Million Hearts network to (1) assess the partnership engagement process and the level and strength of interaction among partners in the Million Hearts Network; (2) assess changes in activities, policies, programs, or systems that have occurred as a result of the Million Hearts Network; (3) identify facilitators and barriers of public–private partnerships with the federal government; and (4) use the information developed through the above three aims to inform future partner efforts.
More Information: More information
Contact Information: Danielle Varda, daniellevarda@ucdenver.edu