Strengthening the Carrying Capacity of Local Health and Social Service Agencies to Absorb Increased Hospital/Clinical Referrals

Date: 11/14/2017 - 11/14/2019
Principal Researchers: Associate Professor Danielle Varda, CU Denver School of Public Affairs Others Involved: Todd Ely (University of Colorado Denver), Katie Edwards (Nonprofit Centers Network), Rachel Graham (University of Kentucky), Malinda Mochizuki (Visible Network Labs) Student Researchers: Stephanie Bultema Advisory Board: Community partners include Serve Denton and The Glasser/Schoenbaum Human Services Center Location: Denton, TX, and Sarasota, FL Funding: $92,660

As hospitals and clinics increase screenings for social determinants of health (SDOH), referrals to agencies that provide services to address these needs will also increase. However, questions remain about the ability of nonprofits and other “community resources” to absorb these increased referrals for services.

Using secondary data analysis, a review of existing capacity assessment models, and case studies of human service centers in Florida and Texas, researchers will develop and implement an approach for assessing the capacity of community social services organizations and their partners to absorb and meet the needs of referred clients.

Findings will lead to improvements in understanding the nonprofit sector’s ability to respond to growing demand, ultimately contributing to the long-term goal of strengthening cross-sector partnerships and integration of services and systems to improve health outcomes.

More Information: Strengthening the Carrying Capacity of Local Health and Social Service Agencies to Absorb Increased Hospital/Clinical Referrals Contact Information: Danielle Varda ( or Todd Ely (

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