Hayden Downtown Parking Analysis

Date: 6/21/2014 - 9/20/2014
Principal Researchers:


Location: Hayden, Routt County, Colorado

The Economic Development Commission of the Town of Hayden approached CCCD to assist them is conducting a downtown parking analysis for two primary reasons. The first was to address a perception of a parking problem in town and the second was to aid the town in planning for several larger scale development projects being proposed. They wanted the UTA team to perform the analysis as a neutral third party so that the information presented would be inclusive of all points of view.

The process of the analysis started off with stakeholder meetings to gather people’s concerns and to educate the group on the functions and methods of a downtown parking analysis. The UTA team developed a series of surveys for business owners and for patrons to understand expressed ideas and concerns and aid in writing recommendations. Detailed mapping of the downtown study area was used to create parking count and occupancy mapping. A thorough review of the town parking code was completed to identify areas where conflict occurred.

A final report with all the statistical data, recommendations and mapping was compiled and presented to the Town Council by CAP student Tim Camarillo and was received favorably. The town has begun to implement some of the recommendations to aid in parking designation by painting on-street spaces and clearly marking non-parking zones. The town is also looking into a parking code conflict that was brought to light which should help in making downtown development more desirable by investors.

Field Coordinator:
Chris Endreson
CCCD Team: Tim Camarillo and Brian Berry 
Local Participants: Town of Hayden Administration and Council, Economic Development Commission

College of Architecture and Planning

CU Denver

CU Denver Building

1250 14th Street


Denver, CO 80202


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