Finding Balance

Date: 8/21/2017
Student Researchers: Macy Funk Faculty Advisor: Rachel Brown

I have created an experience that is about finding balance within oneself and in the art. My program duels as meditation space and a gallery for three sculptural pieces conceptualized around “the lightness of weight.” I enable visitors to use the art as a tool to enter a focused mentality to gain clarity. Vertical voids facilitate user engagement with the art. Horizontal voids disengage users with surroundings. Horizontal and vertical voids work together to organize the site.  
Each sculpture is featured in its own pavilion with an interior space that encourages users to observe and gain understanding of the art and an adjacent exterior space for stationary meditation. The exterior space offers one privileged location where users can sit and view the moment of connection in the art piece and use that focused connection to enter a mental state for mediation. 
The pavilions are surrounded by a reflection pool, separating them from primary circulation through the site, privatizing the meditative experience. The pavilions are organized radially; vertical voids in the walls dictated by the art are oriented toward one central location in the primary circulation that allows users to view all three art pieces through the voids from this one position in the site.

Finding Balance

College of Architecture and Planning

CU Denver

CU Denver Building

1250 14th Street


Denver, CO 80202


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