Eugene Howard headshot

Eugene Howard

Assistant Professor - Clinical
  • Urban and Regional Planning Department

Eugene Howard is an urban planner with the City and County of Denver. Eugene graduated with honors with a master’s in urban and regional planning from CU Denver's College of Architecture and Planning in the Fall of 2013. His focus was urban placemaking and transportation. Eugene discovered planning through his volunteer activities and found planning to be the perfect way to connect his interests in architecture, design, transit-oriented development, placemaking and branding into a profession. Eugene believes communities are empowered and benefit most when transportation, land use and the responsible use of natural resources are holistically approached through comprehensive planning and intelligent design.

In addition to serving as a part-time lecturer, Eugene has also been involved with the Masters of Urban and Regional Planning Alumni Association since its inception and enjoys supporting the College of Architecture and Planning through the establishment of the Adrienne Balsover Memorial Scholarship that supports women and minorities pursuing graduate degrees in planning, sitting on the CU Denver Alumni Board, and other activities related to CAP and CU Denver.

Areas of Expertise


citywide planning, neighborhood planning, TOD planning, branded placemaking

College of Architecture and Planning

CU Denver

CU Denver Building

1250 14th Street


Denver, CO 80202


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